Located in the heartland of the USA is where you’ll find us. A small quiet town in the south east corner of Iowa called Farmington. We’re not a big fancy kennel. We don’t produce multiple litters of pups. We don’t believe in reproducing something that’s not exceptional. It’s not just about looks. Its the whole package. Confirmation, Disposition, Health & Trainabilty are important qualities. Some say you can’t have it all but we disagree. You can have it all. Why settle for less.
Here at K9Phenom we take great pride and care in what we do. It all starts from the very beginning. We hand select our canines for our breeding program. A lot of thought and preparation goes into this process. Once they are selected there is a huge amount of time, work and money involved. We provide our canines with the very best available to us. We cut no corners when it comes to our canines. They live with us in our home. They are provided with a well balanced raw diet along with kibble and supplements. When the females are going to be bred we start them on prenatal vitamins. This starts way ahead of being bred and continues till after the puppies are weaned. Our puppies are handled on a daily basis and are showered with love and affection. Just like their parents they are provided with a good nutritional diet. This ensures a good start in life. Not only do we do the must have vaccines but we also give those that are optional. We believe you get back what you put in. When you purchase a puppy from us you can rest assured that the upmost attention has been invested in your puppy. The reason you are probably on this site is that you have made the decision on purchasing a puppy. We are so happy that you are taking a look at us with the possibility of giving us the opportunity to possibly be of some help with this decision. Now that you’ve decided on getting a puppy and what breed your getting. You must now decide on a male or female. You need to ask yourself what role your new canine will play in your family. You need to find a honest, reputable breeder. A breeder that will assist you and be there for you even after your purchase. We know there are a lot of German Shepherd dogs out there. You need to ask yourself several questions. Like where are they coming from? What quality of life are these dogs living? How are they being taken care of? Is the person you are buying the dog from someone that you feel comfortable with? Also many more questions need to be asked. Once you have chosen where to purchase your puppy from you must now decide on which canine. Looking at pictures can be overwhelming and tiresome. Not only that but can be very deceiving because pictures can’t show the pups true personality. The only way that can be accomplished is by visibly seeing the pups in action. In today’s world there are many factors that can make that challenging. Not only is time a factor but distance, weather, etc…. and lets not forget current affairs can also be challenging. You want to make the best choice possible and we can help make that happen. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were able to see your puppy on a daily basis? Here at K9Phenom you will be able to see your puppy on a daily basis. No matter what time of day or night it is or where you live. We all know what Facetime, Skype, FB messenger, etc… is. We take advantage of what’s available to us. This can be used in deciding on which puppy to get. Best of all once you make a deposit or pay for your puppy in full you will be given a password which takes you to a livestream where you can view your puppy along with his or her litter mates. Let us know what fits your lifestyle and schedule. We will do our best to make this process as easy and memorable as possible.